Music Vision
Music is a powerful vehicle that can evoke emotions, elevate moods and nurture creative talent. Through high quality music teaching, children at County Bridge will develop a life-long love of music and leave school with a passion to take their achievements further into secondary school and their life beyond education. Opportunities to appreciate music, to make music (whether that be independently or as part of an ensemble) and develop a rounded knowledge of music are accessible to every child in our school. Music is an effective medium for self-expression and creativity for all.
“Music has the power to bring people together like no other art form”
Michael Franti
The music curriculum develops knowledge, skills and understanding using the statutory guidance set out in the National Curriculum as a starting point. We have developed a unique curriculum alongside subject specialists that meets the needs of our children by developing their skills whilst also infusing their lessons with links to learning across other curriculum subjects.
Children’s lessons are progressive in terms of the skills that are taught, although the vehicle by which they are delivered varies, in order to give them as wide a range of experiences as possible. Our children also develop a knowledge of a broad and varied range of genres, musicians and composers that they are able to listen to, appraise and appreciate using an ever-growing musical vocabulary.
Our aim at County Bridge is for all children to develop a curiosity for the subject, as well as an understanding and acceptance of the validity and importance of all types of music. They will also display an unbiased respect for the role in which music may be expressed in any person’s life.
We are committed to ensuring children understand the value and importance of music in the wider community, and are able to use their musical skills, knowledge, and experiences to involve themselves in music, in a variety of different contexts.
The music curriculum develops a progressive range of skills in all children from Nursery to Year 6 through weekly lessons delivered by a music specialist and supported by class teachers. All children are exposed to a range of musical styles and genres in order to gain the relevant expertise to achieve end goals.
Using the National Curriculum as a starting point, all children, regardless of their background, gender, ethnicity or need, are expected to achieve at least age-related expectations.
The expertise of staff means that children’s needs are identified and targeted, in order to be in line with their peers. This same expertise also identifies children with particular strengths and their talents are nurtured through challenge, deeper questioning or by sign-posting them to our extra-curricular clubs.
Across the school, the teaching of music develops the key areas of:
- Singing
- Listening
- Composing
- Performing/Instrumental Performance
The main vehicles for the delivery of music are electric keyboards, steel pan drums and percussive instruments. Each focus area is taught for a whole term from Reception to Year 6, progressively building knowledge and transferrable skills, which are then applied into finished performances.
Singing is strength at County Bridge and in addition to music lessons, children develop their skills through a weekly whole school singing assembly, where children are able to experience the joy of singing as part of a large ensemble and ultimately have fun. Through this collaborative experience, children talk the language of music, listen to music from a range of genres and perform in a range of styles. These sessions lead to high quality whole school performances in school, within the community and at special celebratory events. We also pride ourselves in our school choir. Upper Key Stage 2 children, with a particular talent for singing, hone their skills and talents in weekly choir rehearsals which are again celebrated in a range of performances.
Throughout the pandemic and periods of home learning, the music curriculum continues to be delivered through online lessons with a specialist music teacher. Children working from home or in school, can join in live lessons and still receive the same high quality content.
Children leave County Bridge, not only able to competently play a range of instruments, but with a bank of skills and knowledge that are transferrable. The teaching of and participation in music lessons provide our children with a rich palette of benefits. Knowledge is gained, self-esteem is raised and talents are honed.
The impact of the progressive curriculum taught is clearly seen in lesson outcomes and through the performances that children deliver.